Sharukh Eruch Bamboat


Ayurveda: Understanding the Basics of Ayurveda Treatment


These days I am blogging more about topics that excite me instantly and allow me to expand my writing skills in a brand new way. My last blog series was about Zoroastrianism, the religion I follow. Although, I am not into religion, I hardly know my religious prayers and I visit fire temples once or twice a year, I still went ahead and wrote a blog series bringing into light various facts that are unknown. I tried my best to break certain myths and misconceptions that revolve around Zoroastrianism. While in the process of writing, I already came across this Ayurveda-related conversation and I then decided to write my next blog on Ayurveda, so here it is.

Let’s start with the basic knowledge. Ayurveda originated in the Indian subcontinent more than 5000 years ago and the lifestyle and philosophy is being practiced by almost all people who lived here then. The word Ayurveda comes from combination of two words; Ayu which means ‘life’ and Veda which means ‘knowledge’. So, Ayurveda basically means ‘Knowledge of Life’. Many people who follow Ayurveda today are basically monks and religious people and therefore to many Westerners it might seem that to adopt Ayurveda one needs to become religious, but the fact is, you don’t have to become anything like that. One can be a very modern thinking person and still adopt the philosophies of Ayurveda. It deals with healthy living and many celebrities in India do follow Ayurveda to some extent.

Ayurveda Herbs and Spices
Ayurveda Herbs and Spices

No matter which book you read on Ayurveda, you will certainly come across words like ‘dosha’ which might sound strange initially. According to Ayurveda, the world around us consists of five elements: air, fire, water, earth and space. The same elements are also within our body as we are an integral part of the nature. All these five elements have certain qualities that we experience through our senses. Ayurveda claims that whatever we experience through our senses is nothing but the language of nature. For instance, fire is hot, fierce and steamy while air is cold, drying and light and water is wet, cooling and heavy. These 5 energy patterns combine into 3 primary energy patterns which are called dosha.

Dosha Chart

Every individual has these 3 doshas; vata (wind), pitta (fire) and kapha (cold). Vata (wind) is cold, dry and light and this force regulates the nervous system and elimination of waste. On the other hand, pitta (fire) is a hot force that controls digestion and metabolism while kapha (cold) which is wet and heavy governs stability, structure and moisture in our body. According to Ayurveda, every individual has one dominant dosha that makes up his ‘prakriti’ which literally means nature, but here it means the personality of that individual. The science of Ayurveda teaches us to balance all the three doshas, so that our body functions the way it should. Similarly, Ayurveda products generally made from natural plants and hers are designed to balance doshas that can help the body to naturally cure itself.

Ayurvedic Spa Treatment
Ayurvedic Spa Treatment

There is no doubt that many patients across India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka still make use of plants and herbs and other natural ingredients that are mentioned in Ayurveda, but the concept of Western medical knowledge and pills have seeped in. I believe one of the main reasons people today choose pills over Ayurvedic medications is because these pills react and cure quickly, while Ayurvedic medications take some time. These pills generally focus on curing the certain health concerns, but it might not eliminate the issue completely. Ayurvedic medications work naturally within the body to cure the root cause of the issue by penetrating into the cells or the organs, thus preventing the reoccurrence of the same health concern again.

On the other hand, many Western universities and individuals are now open to the ideas and concepts of Ayurveda. This is usually termed as the New Age Ayurveda where western doctors and health experts are working on how they can utilize the science of Ayurveda to offer an alternative treatment to the patients. Many Americans have already accepted the concept of Ayurveda along with the practice of yoga that have proved to be effective in healing health concerns that require extensive treatment.

Ayurveda Treatment
Ayurveda Treatment

Often there is a debate where some American health experts raise questions whether Ayurveda is a legitimate medical science. The fact is that Ayurveda is not a medical science at all. Ayurveda does not focus on disease diagnosis and treatment, but instead focuses on eating, drinking and the daily routine which balances the energy pattern inside our body. One does not make use of Ayurveda when one falls sick or is infected with certain disease, but follows it as a way of life to heal the body before any infection or sickness takes place. I believe this preventive and curative nature of Ayurveda is the reason why many Europeans and Americans are now readily accepting Ayurveda in their lifestyle and this knowledge of life continues to make its impact even after so many centuries because it deals directly with our body, mind and spirit.

12 responses to “Ayurveda: Understanding the Basics of Ayurveda Treatment”

  1. I love this post Sharukh. Since we have moved back to the states I have neglected these things and my balance ball and mat are staring at me from the corner wistfully, reproachfully and I know I need to quiet my mind and repair some wounded places. Thanks for the nudge. My husband’s new PCP is from I India and he really likes her. She seems to use a balance of practical and holistic approaches to healthcare. Be well.


    1. Thanks for commenting and loving the post. Its good to hear that you have someone from India that can give you an insight on healthcare from Indian point of view. I am sure she must be supremely knowledgeable about all this stuff, I’m just a blogger, not a health expert, but I try to bring in my perspective to add to your experience. Most of us do think of health and buy equipment, but after a couple of days we put it aside. We all are the same.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very nice post, I’m glad you gave this topic its own space after teasing us with the comments you made on my blog earlier. I like the statement that you make in the last paragraph. So many people are focused on treating and curing problems. Not so much on preventing them.


    1. I purposely kept that line to conclude the post because I believe that is the reason why Ayurveda is gaining importance across the globe. Our lifestyle is very hectic and we generally focus on treating health concerns, but never think about preventing it in the first place. Thank you for liking and commenting on it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve been eating for my dosha for about five years now. (Pitta) I can honestly say it helps with inflammation and skin conditions. Great post 🙂


    1. Thank you for commenting. I am glad that you are already trying Ayurveda concepts there. I would love to know how did you come to know about Ayurveda initially? I mean you visited India or have an Indian friend or just browsing information. Would love to hear your story?


      1. I had an Indian neighbor 🙂
        I was living in a hot place, which I was unaccustomed to, and as a result, I experienced a great deal of health issues. She took the time to impart her wisdom and then I read up online and followed through with her help.
        I’m back where it’s cool now, but I still think the merits of eating for one’s dosha are worth it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Great. I am glad she helped you out and it worked out well for you. Most Indians I believe know what to eat as per the climate especially hot climate because we here experience really hot summer which is already ready to peak. Oh gosh, I’m already sweating. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thans for shedding light on this wonderful topic…… Looking forward to read more such informative blogs from you. Happy writing……………. 🙂


  5. Just Awesome. These information about the 3 Doshas are really helpful. Ayurveda medicines are the only option against these Doshas permanently.


    1. Thank you for commenting 🙂


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